Monastic life has brought many benefits to North Brabant. Get acquainted with the life and work of the Brabantian monks, past and present, through walking. Our Kloosterpad is a beautiful and unique walking route of 330 kilometers, divided into fifteen stages, leading you along fifty (former) monasteries and abbeys in Brabant. Beautiful walks have been set up around various monasteries. Oirschot is also part of Our Kloosterpad.
Experience Monastic Life Of the more than 660 buildings in North Brabant that have served as monasteries, 450 still exist. Many of these buildings have since been repurposed. For example, you can stay overnight, attend retreats, live or work there, or they have been turned into museums. However, some remain as monasteries. This is also true for the Oirschotse Klooster Nazareth.
Tip! On April 20th and June 9th, 2024, the Klooster organizes the guided round walk 'Learning to Pilgrimage'. Afterwards, you can enjoy a local beer from Vandeoirsprong. Check here for more information.
Klooster Nazareth, unfortunately, is not accessible to visitors. Kloosterpad walkers can have their walking cards stamped at Visit Oirschot during opening hours.
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